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R&S Differenz-Tastköpfe

Das Portfolio der Hochspannungstastköpfe von Rohde & Schwarz umfasst passive massebezogene und aktive differenzielle Tastköpfe für Spannungen bis 6000 V (Spitze). Verschiedene Modelle erlauben Messungen in Umgebungen bis CAT IV.
Differenzielle Tastköpfe bieten eine hohe Gleichtaktunterdrückung über einen breiten Frequenzbereich.

Rohde & Schwarz RT ZHD HV Differenz Tastkopf mit RTE Oszilloskop - Allice Messtechnik
  • Bandbreite: 100 MHz bis 16 GHz
  • Effektivspannung: bis 6000 V
  • Eingangsimpedanz: bis zu 1 MΩ
  • Niedrige Eingangskapazität: weniger als 1 pF
  • Sehr geringe Erhöhung des Rauschpegels
  • Integrierter, hochpräziser DC-Spannungsmesser (nicht für alle Modelle verfügbar)

Differenziell geführte Signale werden speziell bei hohen Taktraten verwendet, um Gleichtaktstörungen effektiv zu unterdrücken und breitbandige Signale fehlerfrei zu übertragen. Diese Signale sind nur mit differenziellen Tastköpfen genau messbar. Die aktiven differenziellen Tastköpfe von Rohde & Schwarz verfügen über eine hohe Eingangsimpedanz und Gleichtaktunterdrückung und erhöhen den Rauschpegel nur in geringem Maß.

Alle Listenpreise finden Sie unter Geräte & Optionen sowie Zubehör

Modell      Bezeichnung                                                         R&S Bestellnr.Preis (€)   
zuzügl. MwSt     
Preis (€)   
inkl. MwSt       
Tastköpfe Modulare Breitband Tastköpfe
RT-ZM151.5 GHz modular probe amplifier, differential, 400 kΩ, multimode
incl. R&S®ProbeMeter; micro button
1800.4700.024.890,00 €5.819,10 €
RT-ZM303.0 GHz modular probe amplifier, differential, 400 kΩ, multimode
incl. R&S®ProbeMeter; micro button
1419.3005.026.370,00 €7.580,30 €
RT-ZM606.0 GHz modular probe amplifier, differential, 400 kΩ, multimode
incl. R&S®ProbeMeter; micro button
1419.3105.02Auf Anfrage
RT-ZM909.0 GHz modular probe amplifier, differential, 400 kΩ, multimode
incl. R&S®ProbeMeter; micro button
1419.3205.02Auf Anfrage
RT-ZM13013.0 GHz modular probe amplifier, differential, 400 kΩ, multimode
incl. R&S®ProbeMeter; micro button
1800.4500.02Auf Anfrage
RT-ZM16016.0 GHz modularprobe amplifier, differential, 400 kΩ, multimode
incl. R&S®ProbeMeter; micro button
1800.4600.02Auf Anfrage
RT-ZMA10Tip cable, solder in, length: 15 cm, multimode compatible1419.4301.021.190,00 €1.416,10 €
RT-ZMA10-6Set mit 6 Sück, Tip cable, solder in, length: 15 cm, multimode compatible1801.4349.024.040,00 €4.807,60 €
RT-ZMA11Tip cable, solder in, extended temperature, length: 15 cm, multimode compatible1419.4318.021.190,00 €1.416,10 €
RT-ZMA12Tip cable, square pin, for 1.27 mm pin header, length: 15 cm, multimode compatible1419.4324.021.010,00 €1.201,90 €
RT-ZMA14Einlötkabel flex connect (mit 10 Einlötspitzen)1338.1010.021.890,00 €2.249,10 €
RT-ZMA15Tip cable, quick connect, for solder in resistor connection, length: 15 cm, multimode compatible1419.4224.021.010,00 €1.201,90 €
RT-ZMA30Browser module, variable span from 0.5 mm to 8 mm, spring-loaded incl. spring-loaded resistor tips (2 pairs)1419.4353.023.720,00 €4.426,80 €
RT-ZMA40SMA module, 2.92 mm/ 3.5 mm/ SMA, differential, 100 Ω, DC termination, multimode compatible; incl. lead 11 cm (4.3 in)1419.4201.024.640,00 €5.521,60 €
RT-ZMA50Extended temperature kit, 1 m matched cable pair, multimode compatible incl.RT-ZMA111419.4218.022.090,00 €2.487,10 €
RT-ZD01Aktiver Differenz Tastkopf 100 MHz 100:1/1000:1 ±140 V (100:1) / ±1400 V (1000:1),
1 MOhm, BNC Interface Gerät ist abgekündigt zum 01.04.2024
1422.0703.021.750,00 €2.082,50 €
RT-ZD02Aktiver Differenz Tastkopf, 200 MHz, 10:1, ±20 V, 3,5 pF, 1 MOhm, BNC Interface Gerät ist abgekündigt zum 01.04.2024 1333.0821.022.530,00 €3.010,70 €
RT-ZD002Aktiver Differenz Tastkopf, 25 MHz, 10:1 / 100:1
±70 V (10:1) / ±700 V (100:1) DC+ACpeak - Differential Range ±700 V (10:1, 100:1) DC+ACpeak -Common Mode Range max. 1000 V CATIII , Batterie (4xAA) oder USB betrieben
Artikel nicht mehr lieferbar
1337.9700.02auf Anfrage
RT-ZD003Aktiver Differenz Tastkopf, 25 MHz, 20:1 / 200:1
±140 V (20:1) / ±1400 V (100:1) DC+ACpeak - Differential Range
±1400 V (20:1, 200:1) DC+ACpeak oder 1000 Vrms -Common Mode Range
max. 1000 V CATIII, Batterie (4xAA) oder USB betrieben
Gerät ist abgekündigt
RT-ZD08Aktiver Differenz Tastkopf, 800MHz, 10:1, ±50 V Batterie (9V-Block) oder USB Spannungsversorgung Gerät ist abgekündigt zum 01.04.2024 1333.0838.023.800,00 €4.522,00 €
RT-ZD10Aktiver Differenz Tastkopf, 1,0 GHz, 1 MΩ, R&S®ProbeMeter, Mikrotaster, inkl. 10:1 externem Dämpfungsglied, 1 MΩ, 70 V DC, 46 V AC (Spitze),
mit R&S Tastkopf-Schnittstelle
1410.4715.024.500,00 €5.355,00 €
RT-ZD20Aktiver Differenz Tastkopf, 1,5 GHz, 1 MΩ, R&S®ProbeMeter, Mikrotaster,
mit R&S Tastkopf-Schnittstelle
1410.4409.025.400,00 €6.426,00 €
RT-ZD30Aktiver Differenz Tastkopf, 3 GHz, 1 MΩ, R&S®ProbeMeter, Mikrotaster,
mit R&S Tastkopf-Schnittstelle
1410.4609.027.000,00 €8.330,00 €
RT-ZD40Aktiver Differenz Tastkopf, 4,5 GHz, 1 MΩ, R&S®ProbeMeter, Mikrotaster,
mit R&S Tastkopf-Schnittstelle
1410.5205.028.450,00 €10.055,50 €
RT-ZHD07Aktiver Differenz Tastkopf, 200MHz, 25:1/ 250:1, ±750 V(Spitze)
mit R&S Tastkopf-Schnittstelle, ProbeMeter & Microtaster
1800.2307.022.580,00 €3.070,20 €
RT-ZHD15Aktiver Differenz Tastkopf, 100MHz, 50:1/ 500:1, ±1500 V(Spitze)
mit R&S Tastkopf-Schnittstelle, ProbeMeter & Microtaster
1800.2107.022.320,00 €2.760,80 €
RT-ZHD16Aktiver Differenz Tastkopf, 200MHz, 50:1/ 500:1, ±1500 V(Spitze)
mit R&S Tastkopf-Schnittstelle, ProbeMeter & Microtaster
1800.2207.022.650,00 €3.153,50 €
RT-ZHD60Aktiver Differenz Tastkopf, 100MHz, 100:1/ 1000:1, ±6000 V(Spitze)
mit R&S Tastkopf-Schnittstelle, ProbeMeter & Microtaster
1800.2007.024.470,00 €5.319,30 €
HZO40Aktiver Differenz Tastkopf 200 MHz (10:1, 3,5 pF, 1 MΩ, Batterie- oder USB betrieben)
nicht mehr lieferbar
HZO41Aktiver DifferenzTastkopf 800 MHz (10:1, 1 pF, 200 kΩ, Batterie- oder USB betrieben)
nicht mehr lieferbar
RT-ZA15Vorsteckteiler (Externes Dämpfungsglied) 10:1, 2,0 GHz, 1,3 pF, 60 V DC, 42,4 V AC (Spitze), optional für RT-ZD20/ RT-ZD30 Tastköpfe; bzw. bei RT-ZD10 im Lieferumfang enthalten.1410.4744.021.220,00 €1.451,80 €
RT-ZA24Ersatzteilset für RT-ZHD Tastköpfe1800.2707.00150,00 €178,50 €
RT-ZA25Power Rail Browser Kit, im Lieferumfang des RT-ZPR20/ RT-ZPR40 enthalten1800.5329.00300,00 €357,00 €
RT-ZA50Oszilloskop Tastkopf Erweiterungssatz - Adapter R&S Probe Interface auf 2,92 mm/3,5 mm/SMA inkl. USB-C Port
Diese "Breakout box" dient zur Verlängerung der Anschlußleitungen von Tastköpfen & Stromzangen mit "Probe Interface". Umsetzung erfolgt auf Standardanschlüsse: USB-C für Stromversorgung u. Steuerung, SMA für Signal, DC-Buchse für Hilfsversorgung. Für die Verwendung des RT‑ZA50 Probe Interface Extender ist zusätzlich ein RT-ZA51-Probe Adapter erforderlich.
(Link: Manual (pdf))
1803.5265.02Auf Anfrage
RT-ZA51Oszilloskop Tastkopf Erweiterungssatz - zur Verwendung von R&S Tastköpfen & Stromzangen mit "Probe Interface" an einem beliebigen Oszilloskop mit 50Ohm Eingang ohne R&S Probe Interface.
Adapter 2,92 mm/3,5 mm/SMA auf R&S Probe Interface
inkl. USB-C Port (Link: Manual (pdf))
1803.5365.02Auf Anfrage
RT-ZAP3D-Messstativ zur Positionierung von Tastköpfen1326.3641.02960,00 €1.142,40 €
Infos zu Gewährleistungsverlängerung und Gerätekalibrierung
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Wir erstellen Ihnen gerne ein detailiertes Angebot
Preise Stand 2024-10-01 - Preisirrtum vorbehalten -
Es gelten die Preise aus unseren Angeboten
RT-ZD01100 MHz 100:1/1000:1Manual
pdf 6 MB
RT-ZD02200 MHz, 10:1Manual
pdf 1 MB
25 MHz, 10:1 / 100:1
25 MHz, 20:1 / 200:1
pdf 1 MB
RT-ZD08800 MHz, 10:1Manual
pdf 1 MB
1,0 GHz, 1 MΩ,
1,5 GHz, 1 MΩ,
3,0 GHz, 1 MΩ,
(ZA15 external Attenuator)
pdf 4 MB
RT-ZD404,5 GHz, 1 MΩManual
pdf 5 MB
200 MHz, 25:1/ 250:1
100 MHz, 50:1/ 500:1
200 MHz, 50:1/ 500:1
100 MHz, 100:1/ 1000:1
pdf 5 MB
RT-ZM15, RT-ZM30,
RT-ZM60, RT-ZM90,
RT-ZM130, RT-ZM160
Modulare BreitbandtastköpfeManual
pdf 4 MB
pdf 1 MB
Vergleich Mitbewerb
RT-ZHDvs. Keysight DP0001ART-ZHD vs. Keysight DP0001A
Modell      Bezeichnung                                                         R&S Bestellnr.für Gerätetypfür Geräte Art.-Nr.Preis (€)   
zuzügl. MwSt     
Preis (€)   
inkl. MwSt       
Preise Stand 2023-03-01 - Preisirrtum vorbehalten -
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immer anfragen.
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WE1RT-ZD01Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 2 years
for RT-ZD01:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3595.9233S02RT-ZD011422.0703K0297,00 €115,43 €
WE2RT-ZD01Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 3 years
for RT-ZD01:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3595.9233S03RT-ZD011422.0703K02185,00 €220,15 €
WE4RT-ZD01Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 5 years
for RT-ZD01:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3595.9233S05RT-ZD011422.0703K02332,00 €395,08 €
WE1RT-ZD10Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 2 years
for RT-ZD10:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3596.3245S02RT-ZD101410.4715.02313,00 €372,47 €
WE2RT-ZD10Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 3 years
for RT-ZD10:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3596.3245S03RT-ZD101410.4715.02596,00 €709,24 €
WE4RT-ZD10Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 5 years
for RT-ZD10:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3596.3245S05RT-ZD101410.4715.021.073,00 €1.276,87 €
WE1RT-ZD20Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 2 years
for RT-ZD20:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3595.7501S02RT-ZD201410.4409.02427,00 €508,13 €
WE2RT-ZD20Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 3 years
for RT-ZD20:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3595.7501S03RT-ZD201410.4409.02813,00 €967,47 €
WE4RT-ZD20Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 5 years
for RT-ZD20:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3595.7501S05RT-ZD201410.4409.021.463,00 €1.740,97 €
WE1RT-ZD30Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 2 years
for RT-ZD30:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3595.7518S02RT-ZD301410.4609.02529,00 €629,51 €
WE2RT-ZD30Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 3 years
for RT-ZD30:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3595.7518S03RT-ZD301410.4609.021.009,00 €1.200,71 €
WE4RT-ZD30Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 5 years
for RT-ZD30:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3595.7518S05RT-ZD301410.4609.021.815,00 €2.159,85 €
WE1RT-ZD40Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 2 years
for RT-ZD40:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3595.8637S02RT-ZD401410.5205.02577,00 €686,63 €
WE2RT-ZD40Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 3 years
for RT-ZD40:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3595.8637S03RT-ZD401410.5205.021.099,00 €1.307,81 €
WE4RT-ZD40Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 5 years
for RT-ZD40:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3595.8637S05RT-ZD401410.5205.021.978,00 €2.353,82 €
WE1RT-ZHD0Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 2 years
for RT-ZHD07:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3598.0966S02RT-ZHD071800.2307.02165,00 €196,35 €
WE2RT-ZHD0Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 3 years
for RT-ZHD07:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3598.0966S03RT-ZHD071800.2307.02314,00 €373,66 €
WE4RT-ZHD0Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 5 years
for RT-ZHD07:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3598.0966S05RT-ZHD071800.2307.02566,00 €673,54 €
WE1RT-ZHD1Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 2 years
for RT-ZHD15:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3598.0950S02RT-ZHD151800.2107.02143,00 €170,17 €
WE2RT-ZHD1Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 3 years
for RT-ZHD15:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3598.0950S03RT-ZHD151800.2107.02273,00 €324,87 €
WE4RT-ZHD1Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 5 years
for RT-ZHD15:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3598.0950S05RT-ZHD151800.2107.02491,00 €584,29 €
WE1RT-ZHD1Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 2 years
for RT-ZHD16:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3598.0943S02RT-ZHD161800.2207.02166,00 €197,54 €
WE2RT-ZHD1Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 3 years
for RT-ZHD16:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3598.0943S03RT-ZHD161800.2207.02315,00 €374,85 €
WE4RT-ZHD1Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 5 years
for RT-ZHD16:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3598.0943S05RT-ZHD161800.2207.02568,00 €675,92 €
WE1RT-ZHD6Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 2 years
for RT-ZHD60:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3598.0937S02RT-ZHD601800.2007.02279,00 €332,01 €
WE2RT-ZHD6Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 3 years
for RT-ZHD60:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3598.0937S03RT-ZHD601800.2007.02531,00 €631,89 €
WE4RT-ZHD6Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 5 years
for RT-ZHD60:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3598.0937S05RT-ZHD601800.2007.02956,00 €1.137,64 €
CW1RT-ZD01Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 2 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD01
for 2 years:
- no scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.9233S06RT-ZD011422.0703K0297,00 €115,43 €
CW2RT-ZD01Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 3 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD01
for 3 years:
- 1 scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.9233S07RT-ZD011422.0703K02351,00 €417,69 €
CW4RT-ZD01Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 5 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD01
for 5 years:
- 2 scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibrations according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.9233S09RT-ZD011422.0703K02656,00 €780,64 €
CW1RT-ZD10Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 2 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD10
for 2 years:
- no scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3596.3245S06RT-ZD101410.4715.02313,00 €372,47 €
CW2RT-ZD10Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 3 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD10
for 3 years:
- 1 scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3596.3245S07RT-ZD101410.4715.02839,00 €998,41 €
CW4RT-ZD10Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 5 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD10
for 5 years:
- 2 scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibrations according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3596.3245S09RT-ZD101410.4715.021.547,00 €1.840,93 €
CW1RT-ZD20Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 2 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD20
for 2 years:
- no scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.7501S06RT-ZD201410.4409.02427,00 €508,13 €
CW2RT-ZD20Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 3 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD20
for 3 years:
- 1 scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.7501S07RT-ZD201410.4409.021.056,00 €1.256,64 €
CW4RT-ZD20Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 5 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD20
for 5 years:
- 2 scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibrations according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.7501S09RT-ZD201410.4409.021.937,00 €2.305,03 €
CW1RT-ZD30Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 2 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD30
for 2 years:
- no scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.7518S06RT-ZD301410.4609.02529,00 €629,51 €
CW2RT-ZD30Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 3 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD30
for 3 years:
- 1 scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.7518S07RT-ZD301410.4609.021.252,00 €1.489,88 €
CW4RT-ZD30Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 5 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD30
for 5 years:
- 2 scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibrations according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.7518S09RT-ZD301410.4609.022.289,00 €2.723,91 €
CW1RT-ZD40Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 2 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD40
for 2 years:
- no scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.8637S06RT-ZD401410.5205.02577,00 €686,63 €
CW2RT-ZD40Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 3 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD40
for 3 years:
- 1 scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.8637S07RT-ZD401410.5205.021.342,00 €1.596,98 €
CW4RT-ZD40Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 5 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD40
for 5 years:
- 2 scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibrations according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.8637S09RT-ZD401410.5205.022.452,00 €2.917,88 €
CW1RT-ZHD0Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 2 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZHD07
for 2 years:
- no scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3598.0966S06RT-ZHD071800.2307.02165,00 €196,35 €
CW2RT-ZHD0Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 3 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZHD07
for 3 years:
- 1 scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3598.0966S07RT-ZHD071800.2307.02570,00 €678,30 €
CW4RT-ZHD0Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 5 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZHD07
for 5 years:
- 2 scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibrations according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3598.0966S09RT-ZHD071800.2307.021.064,00 €1.266,16 €
CW1RT-ZHD1Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 2 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZHD15
for 2 years:
- no scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3598.0950S06RT-ZHD151800.2107.02143,00 €170,17 €
CW2RT-ZHD1Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 3 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZHD15
for 3 years:
- 1 scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3598.0950S07RT-ZHD151800.2107.02529,00 €629,51 €
CW4RT-ZHD1Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 5 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZHD15
for 5 years:
- 2 scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibrations according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3598.0950S09RT-ZHD151800.2107.02989,00 €1.176,91 €
CW1RT-ZHD1Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 2 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZHD16
for 2 years:
- no scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3598.0943S06RT-ZHD161800.2207.02166,00 €197,54 €
CW2RT-ZHD1Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 3 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZHD16
for 3 years:
- 1 scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3598.0943S07RT-ZHD161800.2207.02571,00 €679,49 €
CW4RT-ZHD1Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 5 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZHD16
for 5 years:
- 2 scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibrations according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3598.0943S09RT-ZHD161800.2207.021.066,00 €1.268,54 €
CW1RT-ZHD6Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 2 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZHD60
for 2 years:
- no scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3598.0937S06RT-ZHD601800.2007.02279,00 €332,01 €
CW2RT-ZHD6Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 3 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZHD60
for 3 years:
- 1 scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3598.0937S07RT-ZHD601800.2007.02787,00 €936,53 €
CW4RT-ZHD6Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 5 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZHD60
for 5 years:
- 2 scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibrations according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3598.0937S09RT-ZHD601800.2007.021.454,00 €1.730,26 €
AW1RT-ZD01Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 2 years
and Accredited Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD01
for 2 years:
- no scheduled R&S®Accredited-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.9233S14RT-ZD011422.0703K02109,00 €129,71 €
AW2RT-ZD01Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 3 years
and Accredited Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD01
for 3 years:
- 1 scheduled R&S®Accredited-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.9233S15RT-ZD011422.0703K02431,00 €512,89 €
AW4RT-ZD01Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 5 years
and Accredited Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD01
for 5 years:
- 2 scheduled R&S®Accredited-
Calibrations according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.9233S17RT-ZD011422.0703K02810,00 €963,90 €
AW1RT-ZD10Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 2 years
and Accredited Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD10
for 2 years:
- no scheduled R&S®Accredited-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3596.3245S14RT-ZD101410.4715.02333,00 €396,27 €
AW2RT-ZD10Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 3 years
and Accredited Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD10
for 3 years:
- 1 scheduled R&S®Accredited-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3596.3245S15RT-ZD101410.4715.02962,00 €1.144,78 €
AW4RT-ZD10Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 5 years
and Accredited Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD10
for 5 years:
- 2 scheduled R&S®Accredited-
Calibrations according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3596.3245S17RT-ZD101410.4715.021.781,00 €2.119,39 €
AW1RT-ZD20Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 2 years
and Accredited Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD20
for 2 years:
- no scheduled R&S®Accredited-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.7501S14RT-ZD201410.4409.02448,00 €533,12 €
AW2RT-ZD20Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 3 years
and Accredited Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD20
for 3 years:
- 1 scheduled R&S®Accredited-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.7501S15RT-ZD201410.4409.021.182,00 €1.406,58 €
AW4RT-ZD20Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 5 years
and Accredited Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD20
for 5 years:
- 2 scheduled R&S®Accredited-
Calibrations according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.7501S17RT-ZD201410.4409.022.176,00 €2.589,44 €
AW1RT-ZD30Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 2 years
and Accredited Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD30
for 2 years:
- no scheduled R&S®Accredited-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.7518S14RT-ZD301410.4609.02551,00 €655,69 €
AW2RT-ZD30Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 3 years
and Accredited Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD30
for 3 years:
- 1 scheduled R&S®Accredited-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.7518S15RT-ZD301410.4609.021.378,00 €1.639,82 €
AW4RT-ZD30Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 5 years
and Accredited Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD30
for 5 years:
- 2 scheduled R&S®Accredited-
Calibrations according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.7518S17RT-ZD301410.4609.022.529,00 €3.009,51 €
AW1RT-ZD40Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 2 years
and Accredited Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD40
for 2 years:
- no scheduled R&S®Accredited-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.8637S14RT-ZD401410.5205.02597,00 €710,43 €
AW2RT-ZD40Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 3 years
and Accredited Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD40
for 3 years:
- 1 scheduled R&S®Accredited-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.8637S15RT-ZD401410.5205.021.466,00 €1.744,54 €
AW4RT-ZD40Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 5 years
and Accredited Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD40
for 5 years:
- 2 scheduled R&S®Accredited-
Calibrations according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.8637S17RT-ZD401410.5205.022.689,00 €3.199,91 €
ACART-ZD10R&S®Accredited Calibration for
- Akkreditiertes Kalibrierzertifikat
- Akkreditiert nach ISO 17025, ISO 9001
zertifiziert, rückführbar auf
internationale Standards
- Verifizierung vollständiger Produkt-
spezifikation nach Verfahren wie bei
der Herstellung, inklusive Angabe von
3596.3245.03RT-ZD10562,00 €668,78 €
ACART-ZD20R&S®Accredited Calibration for
- Akkreditiertes Kalibrierzertifikat
- Akkreditiert nach ISO 17025, ISO 9001
zertifiziert, rückführbar auf
internationale Standards
- Verifizierung vollständiger Produkt-
spezifikation nach Verfahren wie bei
der Herstellung, inklusive Angabe von
3595.7501.03RT-ZD20562,00 €668,78 €
ACART-ZD30R&S®Accredited Calibration for
- Akkreditiertes Kalibrierzertifikat
- Akkreditiert nach ISO 17025, ISO 9001
zertifiziert, rückführbar auf
internationale Standards
- Verifizierung vollständiger Produkt-
spezifikation nach Verfahren wie bei
der Herstellung, inklusive Angabe von
3595.7518.03RT-ZD30562,00 €668,78 €
ACART-ZD40R&S®Accredited Calibration for
- Akkreditiertes Kalibrierzertifikat
- Akkreditiert nach ISO 17025, ISO 9001
zertifiziert, rückführbar auf
internationale Standards
- Verifizierung vollständiger Produkt-
spezifikation nach Verfahren wie bei
der Herstellung, inklusive Angabe von
3595.8637.03RT-ZD40562,00 €668,78 €
ACART-ZHD0R&S®Accredited Calibration for
- Akkreditiertes Kalibrierzertifikat
- Akkreditiert nach IEC/ISO 17025, ISO
9001 zertifiziert, rückführbar auf
nationale/internationale Standards
- Verifizierung vollständiger
Produktspezikifationen nach
Hersteller-Verfahren; nicht binäre
Entscheidungsregel mit Angabe von
Messunsicherheiten/Guardbanding wird
angewendet (ILAC-G8)
- Kalibrierergebnisse bei Anlieferung
3598.0966.03RT-ZHD0590,00 €702,10 €
ACART-ZHD1R&S®Accredited Calibration for
- Akkreditiertes Kalibrierzertifikat
- Akkreditiert nach IEC/ISO 17025, ISO
9001 zertifiziert, rückführbar auf
nationale/internationale Standards
- Verifizierung vollständiger
Produktspezikifationen nach
Hersteller-Verfahren; nicht binäre
Entscheidungsregel mit Angabe von
Messunsicherheiten/Guardbanding wird
angewendet (ILAC-G8)
- Kalibrierergebnisse bei Anlieferung
3598.0943.03RT-ZHD1590,00 €702,10 €
ACART-ZHD1R&S®Accredited Calibration for
- Akkreditiertes Kalibrierzertifikat
- Akkreditiert nach IEC/ISO 17025, ISO
9001 zertifiziert, rückführbar auf
nationale/internationale Standards
- Verifizierung vollständiger
Produktspezikifationen nach
Hersteller-Verfahren; nicht binäre
Entscheidungsregel mit Angabe von
Messunsicherheiten/Guardbanding wird
angewendet (ILAC-G8)
- Kalibrierergebnisse bei Anlieferung
3598.0950.03RT-ZHD1590,00 €702,10 €
ACART-ZHD6R&S®Accredited Calibration for
- Akkreditiertes Kalibrierzertifikat
- Akkreditiert nach IEC/ISO 17025, ISO
9001 zertifiziert, rückführbar auf
nationale/internationale Standards
- Verifizierung vollständiger
Produktspezikifationen nach
Hersteller-Verfahren; nicht binäre
Entscheidungsregel mit Angabe von
Messunsicherheiten/Guardbanding wird
angewendet (ILAC-G8)
- Kalibrierergebnisse bei Anlieferung
3598.0937.03RT-ZHD6590,00 €702,10 €
Preise Stand 2023-03-01 - Preisirrtum vorbehalten -
Kalibrierpreise & weitere Service-Optionen bitte
immer anfragen.
Wir erstellen Ihnen gerne ein
detailiertes Angebot
Es gelten die Preise aus unseren Angeboten

Alle Listenpreise finden Sie unter Geräte & Optionen sowie Zubehör

Modell      Bezeichnung                                                         R&S Bestellnr.Preis (€)   
zuzügl. MwSt     
Preis (€)   
inkl. MwSt       
Tastköpfe Modulare Breitband Tastköpfe
RT-ZM151.5 GHz modular probe amplifier, differential, 400 kΩ, multimode
incl. R&S®ProbeMeter; micro button
1800.4700.024.890,00 €5.819,10 €
RT-ZM303.0 GHz modular probe amplifier, differential, 400 kΩ, multimode
incl. R&S®ProbeMeter; micro button
1419.3005.026.370,00 €7.580,30 €
RT-ZM606.0 GHz modular probe amplifier, differential, 400 kΩ, multimode
incl. R&S®ProbeMeter; micro button
1419.3105.02Auf Anfrage
RT-ZM909.0 GHz modular probe amplifier, differential, 400 kΩ, multimode
incl. R&S®ProbeMeter; micro button
1419.3205.02Auf Anfrage
RT-ZM13013.0 GHz modular probe amplifier, differential, 400 kΩ, multimode
incl. R&S®ProbeMeter; micro button
1800.4500.02Auf Anfrage
RT-ZM16016.0 GHz modularprobe amplifier, differential, 400 kΩ, multimode
incl. R&S®ProbeMeter; micro button
1800.4600.02Auf Anfrage
RT-ZMA10Tip cable, solder in, length: 15 cm, multimode compatible1419.4301.021.190,00 €1.416,10 €
RT-ZMA10-6Set mit 6 Sück, Tip cable, solder in, length: 15 cm, multimode compatible1801.4349.024.040,00 €4.807,60 €
RT-ZMA11Tip cable, solder in, extended temperature, length: 15 cm, multimode compatible1419.4318.021.190,00 €1.416,10 €
RT-ZMA12Tip cable, square pin, for 1.27 mm pin header, length: 15 cm, multimode compatible1419.4324.021.010,00 €1.201,90 €
RT-ZMA14Einlötkabel flex connect (mit 10 Einlötspitzen)1338.1010.021.890,00 €2.249,10 €
RT-ZMA15Tip cable, quick connect, for solder in resistor connection, length: 15 cm, multimode compatible1419.4224.021.010,00 €1.201,90 €
RT-ZMA30Browser module, variable span from 0.5 mm to 8 mm, spring-loaded incl. spring-loaded resistor tips (2 pairs)1419.4353.023.720,00 €4.426,80 €
RT-ZMA40SMA module, 2.92 mm/ 3.5 mm/ SMA, differential, 100 Ω, DC termination, multimode compatible; incl. lead 11 cm (4.3 in)1419.4201.024.640,00 €5.521,60 €
RT-ZMA50Extended temperature kit, 1 m matched cable pair, multimode compatible incl.RT-ZMA111419.4218.022.090,00 €2.487,10 €
RT-ZD01Aktiver Differenz Tastkopf 100 MHz 100:1/1000:1 ±140 V (100:1) / ±1400 V (1000:1),
1 MOhm, BNC Interface Gerät ist abgekündigt zum 01.04.2024
1422.0703.021.750,00 €2.082,50 €
RT-ZD02Aktiver Differenz Tastkopf, 200 MHz, 10:1, ±20 V, 3,5 pF, 1 MOhm, BNC Interface Gerät ist abgekündigt zum 01.04.2024 1333.0821.022.530,00 €3.010,70 €
RT-ZD002Aktiver Differenz Tastkopf, 25 MHz, 10:1 / 100:1
±70 V (10:1) / ±700 V (100:1) DC+ACpeak - Differential Range ±700 V (10:1, 100:1) DC+ACpeak -Common Mode Range max. 1000 V CATIII , Batterie (4xAA) oder USB betrieben
Artikel nicht mehr lieferbar
1337.9700.02auf Anfrage
RT-ZD003Aktiver Differenz Tastkopf, 25 MHz, 20:1 / 200:1
±140 V (20:1) / ±1400 V (100:1) DC+ACpeak - Differential Range
±1400 V (20:1, 200:1) DC+ACpeak oder 1000 Vrms -Common Mode Range
max. 1000 V CATIII, Batterie (4xAA) oder USB betrieben
Gerät ist abgekündigt
RT-ZD08Aktiver Differenz Tastkopf, 800MHz, 10:1, ±50 V Batterie (9V-Block) oder USB Spannungsversorgung Gerät ist abgekündigt zum 01.04.2024 1333.0838.023.800,00 €4.522,00 €
RT-ZD10Aktiver Differenz Tastkopf, 1,0 GHz, 1 MΩ, R&S®ProbeMeter, Mikrotaster, inkl. 10:1 externem Dämpfungsglied, 1 MΩ, 70 V DC, 46 V AC (Spitze),
mit R&S Tastkopf-Schnittstelle
1410.4715.024.500,00 €5.355,00 €
RT-ZD20Aktiver Differenz Tastkopf, 1,5 GHz, 1 MΩ, R&S®ProbeMeter, Mikrotaster,
mit R&S Tastkopf-Schnittstelle
1410.4409.025.400,00 €6.426,00 €
RT-ZD30Aktiver Differenz Tastkopf, 3 GHz, 1 MΩ, R&S®ProbeMeter, Mikrotaster,
mit R&S Tastkopf-Schnittstelle
1410.4609.027.000,00 €8.330,00 €
RT-ZD40Aktiver Differenz Tastkopf, 4,5 GHz, 1 MΩ, R&S®ProbeMeter, Mikrotaster,
mit R&S Tastkopf-Schnittstelle
1410.5205.028.450,00 €10.055,50 €
RT-ZHD07Aktiver Differenz Tastkopf, 200MHz, 25:1/ 250:1, ±750 V(Spitze)
mit R&S Tastkopf-Schnittstelle, ProbeMeter & Microtaster
1800.2307.022.580,00 €3.070,20 €
RT-ZHD15Aktiver Differenz Tastkopf, 100MHz, 50:1/ 500:1, ±1500 V(Spitze)
mit R&S Tastkopf-Schnittstelle, ProbeMeter & Microtaster
1800.2107.022.320,00 €2.760,80 €
RT-ZHD16Aktiver Differenz Tastkopf, 200MHz, 50:1/ 500:1, ±1500 V(Spitze)
mit R&S Tastkopf-Schnittstelle, ProbeMeter & Microtaster
1800.2207.022.650,00 €3.153,50 €
RT-ZHD60Aktiver Differenz Tastkopf, 100MHz, 100:1/ 1000:1, ±6000 V(Spitze)
mit R&S Tastkopf-Schnittstelle, ProbeMeter & Microtaster
1800.2007.024.470,00 €5.319,30 €
HZO40Aktiver Differenz Tastkopf 200 MHz (10:1, 3,5 pF, 1 MΩ, Batterie- oder USB betrieben)
nicht mehr lieferbar
HZO41Aktiver DifferenzTastkopf 800 MHz (10:1, 1 pF, 200 kΩ, Batterie- oder USB betrieben)
nicht mehr lieferbar
RT-ZA15Vorsteckteiler (Externes Dämpfungsglied) 10:1, 2,0 GHz, 1,3 pF, 60 V DC, 42,4 V AC (Spitze), optional für RT-ZD20/ RT-ZD30 Tastköpfe; bzw. bei RT-ZD10 im Lieferumfang enthalten.1410.4744.021.220,00 €1.451,80 €
RT-ZA24Ersatzteilset für RT-ZHD Tastköpfe1800.2707.00150,00 €178,50 €
RT-ZA25Power Rail Browser Kit, im Lieferumfang des RT-ZPR20/ RT-ZPR40 enthalten1800.5329.00300,00 €357,00 €
RT-ZA50Oszilloskop Tastkopf Erweiterungssatz - Adapter R&S Probe Interface auf 2,92 mm/3,5 mm/SMA inkl. USB-C Port
Diese "Breakout box" dient zur Verlängerung der Anschlußleitungen von Tastköpfen & Stromzangen mit "Probe Interface". Umsetzung erfolgt auf Standardanschlüsse: USB-C für Stromversorgung u. Steuerung, SMA für Signal, DC-Buchse für Hilfsversorgung. Für die Verwendung des RT‑ZA50 Probe Interface Extender ist zusätzlich ein RT-ZA51-Probe Adapter erforderlich.
(Link: Manual (pdf))
1803.5265.02Auf Anfrage
RT-ZA51Oszilloskop Tastkopf Erweiterungssatz - zur Verwendung von R&S Tastköpfen & Stromzangen mit "Probe Interface" an einem beliebigen Oszilloskop mit 50Ohm Eingang ohne R&S Probe Interface.
Adapter 2,92 mm/3,5 mm/SMA auf R&S Probe Interface
inkl. USB-C Port (Link: Manual (pdf))
1803.5365.02Auf Anfrage
RT-ZAP3D-Messstativ zur Positionierung von Tastköpfen1326.3641.02960,00 €1.142,40 €
Infos zu Gewährleistungsverlängerung und Gerätekalibrierung
finden Sie unter "Serviceoptionen"

Wir erstellen Ihnen gerne ein detailiertes Angebot
Preise Stand 2024-10-01 - Preisirrtum vorbehalten -
Es gelten die Preise aus unseren Angeboten
RT-ZD01100 MHz 100:1/1000:1Manual
pdf 6 MB
RT-ZD02200 MHz, 10:1Manual
pdf 1 MB
25 MHz, 10:1 / 100:1
25 MHz, 20:1 / 200:1
pdf 1 MB
RT-ZD08800 MHz, 10:1Manual
pdf 1 MB
1,0 GHz, 1 MΩ,
1,5 GHz, 1 MΩ,
3,0 GHz, 1 MΩ,
(ZA15 external Attenuator)
pdf 4 MB
RT-ZD404,5 GHz, 1 MΩManual
pdf 5 MB
200 MHz, 25:1/ 250:1
100 MHz, 50:1/ 500:1
200 MHz, 50:1/ 500:1
100 MHz, 100:1/ 1000:1
pdf 5 MB
RT-ZM15, RT-ZM30,
RT-ZM60, RT-ZM90,
RT-ZM130, RT-ZM160
Modulare BreitbandtastköpfeManual
pdf 4 MB
pdf 1 MB
Vergleich Mitbewerb
RT-ZHDvs. Keysight DP0001ART-ZHD vs. Keysight DP0001A
Modell      Bezeichnung                                                         R&S Bestellnr.für Gerätetypfür Geräte Art.-Nr.Preis (€)   
zuzügl. MwSt     
Preis (€)   
inkl. MwSt       
Preise Stand 2023-03-01 - Preisirrtum vorbehalten -
Kalibrierpreise & weitere Service-Optionen bitte
immer anfragen.
Wir erstellen Ihnen gerne ein
detailiertes Angebot
Es gelten die Preise aus unseren Angeboten
WE1RT-ZD01Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 2 years
for RT-ZD01:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3595.9233S02RT-ZD011422.0703K0297,00 €115,43 €
WE2RT-ZD01Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 3 years
for RT-ZD01:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3595.9233S03RT-ZD011422.0703K02185,00 €220,15 €
WE4RT-ZD01Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 5 years
for RT-ZD01:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3595.9233S05RT-ZD011422.0703K02332,00 €395,08 €
WE1RT-ZD10Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 2 years
for RT-ZD10:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3596.3245S02RT-ZD101410.4715.02313,00 €372,47 €
WE2RT-ZD10Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 3 years
for RT-ZD10:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3596.3245S03RT-ZD101410.4715.02596,00 €709,24 €
WE4RT-ZD10Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 5 years
for RT-ZD10:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3596.3245S05RT-ZD101410.4715.021.073,00 €1.276,87 €
WE1RT-ZD20Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 2 years
for RT-ZD20:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3595.7501S02RT-ZD201410.4409.02427,00 €508,13 €
WE2RT-ZD20Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 3 years
for RT-ZD20:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3595.7501S03RT-ZD201410.4409.02813,00 €967,47 €
WE4RT-ZD20Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 5 years
for RT-ZD20:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3595.7501S05RT-ZD201410.4409.021.463,00 €1.740,97 €
WE1RT-ZD30Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 2 years
for RT-ZD30:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3595.7518S02RT-ZD301410.4609.02529,00 €629,51 €
WE2RT-ZD30Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 3 years
for RT-ZD30:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3595.7518S03RT-ZD301410.4609.021.009,00 €1.200,71 €
WE4RT-ZD30Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 5 years
for RT-ZD30:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3595.7518S05RT-ZD301410.4609.021.815,00 €2.159,85 €
WE1RT-ZD40Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 2 years
for RT-ZD40:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3595.8637S02RT-ZD401410.5205.02577,00 €686,63 €
WE2RT-ZD40Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 3 years
for RT-ZD40:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3595.8637S03RT-ZD401410.5205.021.099,00 €1.307,81 €
WE4RT-ZD40Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 5 years
for RT-ZD40:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3595.8637S05RT-ZD401410.5205.021.978,00 €2.353,82 €
WE1RT-ZHD0Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 2 years
for RT-ZHD07:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3598.0966S02RT-ZHD071800.2307.02165,00 €196,35 €
WE2RT-ZHD0Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 3 years
for RT-ZHD07:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3598.0966S03RT-ZHD071800.2307.02314,00 €373,66 €
WE4RT-ZHD0Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 5 years
for RT-ZHD07:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3598.0966S05RT-ZHD071800.2307.02566,00 €673,54 €
WE1RT-ZHD1Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 2 years
for RT-ZHD15:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3598.0950S02RT-ZHD151800.2107.02143,00 €170,17 €
WE2RT-ZHD1Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 3 years
for RT-ZHD15:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3598.0950S03RT-ZHD151800.2107.02273,00 €324,87 €
WE4RT-ZHD1Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 5 years
for RT-ZHD15:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3598.0950S05RT-ZHD151800.2107.02491,00 €584,29 €
WE1RT-ZHD1Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 2 years
for RT-ZHD16:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3598.0943S02RT-ZHD161800.2207.02166,00 €197,54 €
WE2RT-ZHD1Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 3 years
for RT-ZHD16:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3598.0943S03RT-ZHD161800.2207.02315,00 €374,85 €
WE4RT-ZHD1Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 5 years
for RT-ZHD16:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3598.0943S05RT-ZHD161800.2207.02568,00 €675,92 €
WE1RT-ZHD6Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 2 years
for RT-ZHD60:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3598.0937S02RT-ZHD601800.2007.02279,00 €332,01 €
WE2RT-ZHD6Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 3 years
for RT-ZHD60:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3598.0937S03RT-ZHD601800.2007.02531,00 €631,89 €
WE4RT-ZHD6Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 5 years
for RT-ZHD60:
- All repairs and all necessary
in case of repair
3598.0937S05RT-ZHD601800.2007.02956,00 €1.137,64 €
CW1RT-ZD01Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 2 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD01
for 2 years:
- no scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.9233S06RT-ZD011422.0703K0297,00 €115,43 €
CW2RT-ZD01Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 3 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD01
for 3 years:
- 1 scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.9233S07RT-ZD011422.0703K02351,00 €417,69 €
CW4RT-ZD01Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 5 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD01
for 5 years:
- 2 scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibrations according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.9233S09RT-ZD011422.0703K02656,00 €780,64 €
CW1RT-ZD10Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 2 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD10
for 2 years:
- no scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3596.3245S06RT-ZD101410.4715.02313,00 €372,47 €
CW2RT-ZD10Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 3 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD10
for 3 years:
- 1 scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3596.3245S07RT-ZD101410.4715.02839,00 €998,41 €
CW4RT-ZD10Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 5 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD10
for 5 years:
- 2 scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibrations according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3596.3245S09RT-ZD101410.4715.021.547,00 €1.840,93 €
CW1RT-ZD20Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 2 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD20
for 2 years:
- no scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.7501S06RT-ZD201410.4409.02427,00 €508,13 €
CW2RT-ZD20Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 3 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD20
for 3 years:
- 1 scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.7501S07RT-ZD201410.4409.021.056,00 €1.256,64 €
CW4RT-ZD20Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 5 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD20
for 5 years:
- 2 scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibrations according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.7501S09RT-ZD201410.4409.021.937,00 €2.305,03 €
CW1RT-ZD30Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 2 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD30
for 2 years:
- no scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.7518S06RT-ZD301410.4609.02529,00 €629,51 €
CW2RT-ZD30Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 3 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD30
for 3 years:
- 1 scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.7518S07RT-ZD301410.4609.021.252,00 €1.489,88 €
CW4RT-ZD30Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 5 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD30
for 5 years:
- 2 scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibrations according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.7518S09RT-ZD301410.4609.022.289,00 €2.723,91 €
CW1RT-ZD40Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 2 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD40
for 2 years:
- no scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.8637S06RT-ZD401410.5205.02577,00 €686,63 €
CW2RT-ZD40Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 3 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD40
for 3 years:
- 1 scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.8637S07RT-ZD401410.5205.021.342,00 €1.596,98 €
CW4RT-ZD40Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 5 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD40
for 5 years:
- 2 scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibrations according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.8637S09RT-ZD401410.5205.022.452,00 €2.917,88 €
CW1RT-ZHD0Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 2 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZHD07
for 2 years:
- no scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3598.0966S06RT-ZHD071800.2307.02165,00 €196,35 €
CW2RT-ZHD0Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 3 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZHD07
for 3 years:
- 1 scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3598.0966S07RT-ZHD071800.2307.02570,00 €678,30 €
CW4RT-ZHD0Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 5 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZHD07
for 5 years:
- 2 scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibrations according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3598.0966S09RT-ZHD071800.2307.021.064,00 €1.266,16 €
CW1RT-ZHD1Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 2 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZHD15
for 2 years:
- no scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3598.0950S06RT-ZHD151800.2107.02143,00 €170,17 €
CW2RT-ZHD1Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 3 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZHD15
for 3 years:
- 1 scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3598.0950S07RT-ZHD151800.2107.02529,00 €629,51 €
CW4RT-ZHD1Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 5 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZHD15
for 5 years:
- 2 scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibrations according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3598.0950S09RT-ZHD151800.2107.02989,00 €1.176,91 €
CW1RT-ZHD1Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 2 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZHD16
for 2 years:
- no scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3598.0943S06RT-ZHD161800.2207.02166,00 €197,54 €
CW2RT-ZHD1Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 3 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZHD16
for 3 years:
- 1 scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3598.0943S07RT-ZHD161800.2207.02571,00 €679,49 €
CW4RT-ZHD1Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 5 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZHD16
for 5 years:
- 2 scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibrations according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3598.0943S09RT-ZHD161800.2207.021.066,00 €1.268,54 €
CW1RT-ZHD6Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 2 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZHD60
for 2 years:
- no scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3598.0937S06RT-ZHD601800.2007.02279,00 €332,01 €
CW2RT-ZHD6Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 3 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZHD60
for 3 years:
- 1 scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3598.0937S07RT-ZHD601800.2007.02787,00 €936,53 €
CW4RT-ZHD6Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 5 years
and Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZHD60
for 5 years:
- 2 scheduled R&S®Manufacturer-
Calibrations according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3598.0937S09RT-ZHD601800.2007.021.454,00 €1.730,26 €
AW1RT-ZD01Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 2 years
and Accredited Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD01
for 2 years:
- no scheduled R&S®Accredited-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.9233S14RT-ZD011422.0703K02109,00 €129,71 €
AW2RT-ZD01Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 3 years
and Accredited Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD01
for 3 years:
- 1 scheduled R&S®Accredited-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.9233S15RT-ZD011422.0703K02431,00 €512,89 €
AW4RT-ZD01Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 5 years
and Accredited Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD01
for 5 years:
- 2 scheduled R&S®Accredited-
Calibrations according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.9233S17RT-ZD011422.0703K02810,00 €963,90 €
AW1RT-ZD10Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 2 years
and Accredited Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD10
for 2 years:
- no scheduled R&S®Accredited-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3596.3245S14RT-ZD101410.4715.02333,00 €396,27 €
AW2RT-ZD10Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 3 years
and Accredited Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD10
for 3 years:
- 1 scheduled R&S®Accredited-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3596.3245S15RT-ZD101410.4715.02962,00 €1.144,78 €
AW4RT-ZD10Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 5 years
and Accredited Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD10
for 5 years:
- 2 scheduled R&S®Accredited-
Calibrations according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3596.3245S17RT-ZD101410.4715.021.781,00 €2.119,39 €
AW1RT-ZD20Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 2 years
and Accredited Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD20
for 2 years:
- no scheduled R&S®Accredited-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.7501S14RT-ZD201410.4409.02448,00 €533,12 €
AW2RT-ZD20Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 3 years
and Accredited Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD20
for 3 years:
- 1 scheduled R&S®Accredited-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.7501S15RT-ZD201410.4409.021.182,00 €1.406,58 €
AW4RT-ZD20Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 5 years
and Accredited Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD20
for 5 years:
- 2 scheduled R&S®Accredited-
Calibrations according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.7501S17RT-ZD201410.4409.022.176,00 €2.589,44 €
AW1RT-ZD30Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 2 years
and Accredited Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD30
for 2 years:
- no scheduled R&S®Accredited-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.7518S14RT-ZD301410.4609.02551,00 €655,69 €
AW2RT-ZD30Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 3 years
and Accredited Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD30
for 3 years:
- 1 scheduled R&S®Accredited-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.7518S15RT-ZD301410.4609.021.378,00 €1.639,82 €
AW4RT-ZD30Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 5 years
and Accredited Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD30
for 5 years:
- 2 scheduled R&S®Accredited-
Calibrations according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.7518S17RT-ZD301410.4609.022.529,00 €3.009,51 €
AW1RT-ZD40Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 2 years
and Accredited Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD40
for 2 years:
- no scheduled R&S®Accredited-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.8637S14RT-ZD401410.5205.02597,00 €710,43 €
AW2RT-ZD40Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 3 years
and Accredited Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD40
for 3 years:
- 1 scheduled R&S®Accredited-
Calibration according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.8637S15RT-ZD401410.5205.021.466,00 €1.744,54 €
AW4RT-ZD40Extension of the 1 year standard
product warranty to 5 years
and Accredited Calibration Coverage
for RT-ZD40
for 5 years:
- 2 scheduled R&S®Accredited-
Calibrations according to the 24 month
recommended calibration interval
- All repairs and all necessary
after repair or option upgrade
3595.8637S17RT-ZD401410.5205.022.689,00 €3.199,91 €
ACART-ZD10R&S®Accredited Calibration for
- Akkreditiertes Kalibrierzertifikat
- Akkreditiert nach ISO 17025, ISO 9001
zertifiziert, rückführbar auf
internationale Standards
- Verifizierung vollständiger Produkt-
spezifikation nach Verfahren wie bei
der Herstellung, inklusive Angabe von
3596.3245.03RT-ZD10562,00 €668,78 €
ACART-ZD20R&S®Accredited Calibration for
- Akkreditiertes Kalibrierzertifikat
- Akkreditiert nach ISO 17025, ISO 9001
zertifiziert, rückführbar auf
internationale Standards
- Verifizierung vollständiger Produkt-
spezifikation nach Verfahren wie bei
der Herstellung, inklusive Angabe von
3595.7501.03RT-ZD20562,00 €668,78 €
ACART-ZD30R&S®Accredited Calibration for
- Akkreditiertes Kalibrierzertifikat
- Akkreditiert nach ISO 17025, ISO 9001
zertifiziert, rückführbar auf
internationale Standards
- Verifizierung vollständiger Produkt-
spezifikation nach Verfahren wie bei
der Herstellung, inklusive Angabe von
3595.7518.03RT-ZD30562,00 €668,78 €
ACART-ZD40R&S®Accredited Calibration for
- Akkreditiertes Kalibrierzertifikat
- Akkreditiert nach ISO 17025, ISO 9001
zertifiziert, rückführbar auf
internationale Standards
- Verifizierung vollständiger Produkt-
spezifikation nach Verfahren wie bei
der Herstellung, inklusive Angabe von
3595.8637.03RT-ZD40562,00 €668,78 €
ACART-ZHD0R&S®Accredited Calibration for
- Akkreditiertes Kalibrierzertifikat
- Akkreditiert nach IEC/ISO 17025, ISO
9001 zertifiziert, rückführbar auf
nationale/internationale Standards
- Verifizierung vollständiger
Produktspezikifationen nach
Hersteller-Verfahren; nicht binäre
Entscheidungsregel mit Angabe von
Messunsicherheiten/Guardbanding wird
angewendet (ILAC-G8)
- Kalibrierergebnisse bei Anlieferung
3598.0966.03RT-ZHD0590,00 €702,10 €
ACART-ZHD1R&S®Accredited Calibration for
- Akkreditiertes Kalibrierzertifikat
- Akkreditiert nach IEC/ISO 17025, ISO
9001 zertifiziert, rückführbar auf
nationale/internationale Standards
- Verifizierung vollständiger
Produktspezikifationen nach
Hersteller-Verfahren; nicht binäre
Entscheidungsregel mit Angabe von
Messunsicherheiten/Guardbanding wird
angewendet (ILAC-G8)
- Kalibrierergebnisse bei Anlieferung
3598.0943.03RT-ZHD1590,00 €702,10 €
ACART-ZHD1R&S®Accredited Calibration for
- Akkreditiertes Kalibrierzertifikat
- Akkreditiert nach IEC/ISO 17025, ISO
9001 zertifiziert, rückführbar auf
nationale/internationale Standards
- Verifizierung vollständiger
Produktspezikifationen nach
Hersteller-Verfahren; nicht binäre
Entscheidungsregel mit Angabe von
Messunsicherheiten/Guardbanding wird
angewendet (ILAC-G8)
- Kalibrierergebnisse bei Anlieferung
3598.0950.03RT-ZHD1590,00 €702,10 €
ACART-ZHD6R&S®Accredited Calibration for
- Akkreditiertes Kalibrierzertifikat
- Akkreditiert nach IEC/ISO 17025, ISO
9001 zertifiziert, rückführbar auf
nationale/internationale Standards
- Verifizierung vollständiger
Produktspezikifationen nach
Hersteller-Verfahren; nicht binäre
Entscheidungsregel mit Angabe von
Messunsicherheiten/Guardbanding wird
angewendet (ILAC-G8)
- Kalibrierergebnisse bei Anlieferung
3598.0937.03RT-ZHD6590,00 €702,10 €
Preise Stand 2023-03-01 - Preisirrtum vorbehalten -
Kalibrierpreise & weitere Service-Optionen bitte
immer anfragen.
Wir erstellen Ihnen gerne ein
detailiertes Angebot
Es gelten die Preise aus unseren Angeboten
RT-ZD08 Differenz Tastkopf


RT-ZD02 Differenz Tastkopf


RT-ZD01 Differenz Tastkopf


RT-ZHD60 Differenz Tastkopf


RT-ZHD mit Zubehör


RT-ZA9  N-Stecker-Adapter
für RT-Zx Tastköpfe

Vertrieb und Distribution

Die Allice Messtechnik GmbH mit Sitz in Frankfurt ist seit 20 Jahren Rohde & Schwarz Service- und Vertriebspartner.
Bei Allice finden Sie sowohl technischen Support als auch Service- und Kalibrier-Dienstleistungen für R&S Messgeräte.

Lassen Sie sich ein Angebot zu tagesaktuellen Konditionen erstellen – oder rufen Sie einfach einen Messtechnik-Spezialisten an.